Dr. Sofia Britkova

Osteopath. Rehabilitation specialist, Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Pregnancy Management, Postpartum Care, Pediatric Masseur, Breast feeding Consultancy

Osteopathic treatments available for:

Headaches, migraines, concussions; tinnitus, chronic otitis; decreased performance, fatigue, constant drowsiness; injuries after an accident, injuries received during sports, childhood injuries; pain in the back and neck, intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, sciatica, pinched nerve; treatment in the postoperative period and at the stage of rehabilitation; asymmetry of the legs, face and torso; panic attacks; digestive problems.

Respiratory Diseases treatments include:

Frequent bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, bronchial asthma; diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis; neurological problems: neuralgia, radiculopathy, headaches; ENT diseases: chronic sinusitis, otitis media; diseases of internal organs: cholecystitis, pancreatitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; for women: treatment of algomenorrhea, infertility, cycle disorders; for men: prostatitis, impotence, prostate adenoma.

Children Hyperactivity and related problems:

Delayed development of the child (ZRR, ZPRR). Weather sensitivity. Headache. Congenital and acquired changes in the axis of the spine (scoliosis, other posture disorders, torticollis, subluxations of the cervical vertebrae), as well as dislocations in the shoulder girdle. Dysplasia of the hip joints. Sleep disorders, enuresis, epileptic syndrome, other neurological problems. Decreased immunity ("often ill child"). Visual disturbances. Autism. Dysfunctions of the digestive system, dysbacteriosis.

About me

I bring to Varna my wealth of 20 years knowledge and experience and happily make it available to my new patients here in the city.

I am a very experienced practitioner, with over 20 years dealing mainly within maternity aspects and osteopathic rehabilitation in Kiev Ukraine.

During the last few years, I have further specialised in additional fields giving me even greater scope. The current climate has however seen my whole family having to uproot and establish a new foothold here in Varna, where I hope to continue with my ability to help and give resolutions to those in need.

During my time in practice, I have developed and honed my skills in the arena of treatment for women during the whole cycle of their pregnancy; specialising in awkward and difficult evaluations and prognosis through to whole life resolutions and expectations.  This has been furthered by my practical works with the training from the Wuo Tai organisation and its methods of post trauma Osteopathic remedies.


May 2024
KST1 and KST2
The Upledger Institute Inc.
CranioSacral Threapy 1&2

Oct.2021-Nov. 2021
La Federation Ecole de Wuo Tai Wuo
Tai – Sphere Facias and Articular

Public organization “OSTEOPATHY UKRAINE”
East- European School of Osteopathy Block 1 (Structural Osteopathy III level – lower area, disk hernia). Block 2 (Visceral Osteopathy III level – parts of the chest, abdominal cavity, pelvic organs). Block 3 (Craniosacral Therapy II level – face skull).

Sep.2005-Jan. 2007
Partner plus Student Studying Pro masseur

(Classical, Anti-Cellulite, Instrumental and honey massage, Children’s massage)

Sep. 2001- Aug. 2003
Bogomolets National Medical University
In Kiev Student Studying Obstetrician-gynaecologist

Sep. 1995- Aug. 2000
State University of Medicine and Pharmacology
“Nicolae Testemitanu” Student Studying General Medicine Relevant Modules: Chemistry, Biology, General practice, Paediatrics, Internal medicine, Obstetrics – Gynaecology, Surgery.


8.03.2020 – Present
Independent Osteopath

1.10.2009 1.10.2015
Independent Consultant Masseur

28.04.2003 – Present
Independent Children s rehabilitation specialist
Rehabilitation of children with dysplasia, torticollis, hyper and hypotension in newborns, breastfeeding, postpartum management of women.

31.10.2001 31.10.2003
Kyiv maternity hospital number 6 Birthing, assisted caesarean section, assisted in operations on the pelvic organs.

1.05.2001 – 30.10.2005
Doctor of women s consultation

Kyiv maternity hospital number 6. Registering and leading patients throughout the entire pregnancy until childbirth, introduced breastfeeding techniques as well as assisting and treating sexually transmitted diseases and diseases of the internal organs of the small pelvis.

Make an appointment

                                                                                                       The first 20 minute consultation is free of charge

What my patients say

Here are a few of my patients testimonials for your perusal.

Petro Shevchenko

I can throughly recommend Dr. Britkokva as someone who really helped my back issue after Birth of my child.

Kateryna Bondarenko

She has great hands and really helped my daughter with her leg issue.

Oleksiy Kovalenk

The whole birth of my twins was supported by Sofia , she is really great and helped me enormously.

Get in touch

If you need advice  please complete the form below with all details and we will come back and confirm as soon as possible.

The first consultation if free of charge